“What is the most common post construction complaint?”
Ineffective joint sealants!
This can lead to water leakage, insulation problems and structural problems. Onevision can remove or replace existing ineffective or leaking sealants (caulking) and repair expansion joints.
Expansion Joints: Buildings expand and contract, due to temperature fluctuations, airtight chambers or joints are used to separate blocks or units of concrete. These joints prevent cracking, as a result of the expansion & contraction. Expansion joints often encase important internal piping.
Caulks are the glues that help to bind and fix the joints together. Caulks absorb stresses and strains of buildings during expansion and contraction. Caulking prevents water leakage, wall cracking and ensures your building remains insulated.
RECENT PROJECTS: Brooklyn, Jade Apartments
OneVision Project Services Pty Ltd is an Australian owned organisation; We provide external facade cleaning & building maintenance services,height access & height safety solutions. Our client base include strata, commercial, construction, residential, industrial, heritage, government, and telecommunications. We pride ourselves on having a strong client referral network and delivering an exceptional service. Whether you require 1 trade or all our services OneVision are committed to providing you Service with an edge!